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Thesis orders are accepted between the hours of 9:00am - 3:45pm, Monday through Friday.
SJSU Formatting Rules
1. Your name, committee members and degree title must match University records.
2. You must select a style guide as outlined on the Thesis Information Form, or select a journal format. If you select a journal format, you must provide (1) the name of the journal, (2) the Author Guidelines, and (3) a sample article from the journal.
3. Set your margins at 1.25 inches for the left margin, and 1 inch on the right, and 1.25 inches for the top, and bottom margins.
4. Use one professional font throughout in 12 pt size, including page numbers. Do not use an ornamental font based on script, cursive, or calligraphic styles. Within tables or figures, a font size as low as 8 pts may be used. Use black for all text.
5. Line spacing shall be 2.0 (double-spaced), with the exception of headings, block quotations, figure captions, table titles, footnotes (endnotes are not permissible), and bibliographic entries, which are to be single-line spaced and followed by normal text spacing (12 pts).
6. All paragraph indents are .25 inches. Thereafter, indent in increments of .25 inches (certain subheadings, quotes, etc.)
7. Start the first page of each section (Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, Lists, etc.), chapter, and appendix on a new page.
8. Place your Bibliography or Reference section(s) at the end of each chapter or at the end of the main document text (but before the Appendices), depending on your department’s style guidelines. Use single-line spacing followed by normal text spacing.
9. If including figures, tables, or illustrations, create a separate list for each type of item, which includes the figure/table number, figure caption/table title and the page number on which it begins.
10. Label tables, figures, illustrations, etc. uniquely and number each consecutively throughout your document. All tables and figures must be referenced in text prior to their appearance. Tables and figures should be placed as close to the first reference to them as possible, at the end of a paragraph. If there is not enough space on the page where the item is introduced, continue filling that page with text and start the table or figure at the top of the next page. The selected style guide shall govern table and figure titles, and table and figure numbering. If the style guide does not list formatting instructions for these items, the student must place table titles above the table and figure titles below the figures.
11. Thesis document file size may not exceed 1GB. Recommend image resolution: 300 dpi. Supplementary materials such as audio, video, and oversized tables/figures must be submitted to Montezuma Publishing at the same time the thesis is submitted.
12. The Table of Contents lists each chapter number, chapter title, and the page on which each chapter begins.
13. Preliminary page numbers are lowercase Roman numerals, starting with page v. Arabic numerals are assigned to the rest of the manuscript, starting with page 1.
14. Preliminary pages appear in the following order (first numbered page must be page v):
Title page: Mandatory; no page number
Copyright page: Mandatory; no page number
Signature page: Mandatory; no page number
Abstract: Mandatory; one paragraph, one page only and double-spaced. The abstract may not contain reference citations; no page number
Dedication: Optional; must have page number.
Acknowledgement page (optional): must have a page number.
Epigraph: Optional; must have page number.
Table of Contents: Mandatory; must have page number.
List of Tables: Mandatory when the document includes tables; must have page number.
List of Figures: Mandatory when the document includes figures; must have page number.
List of Abbreviations, List of Acronyms, List of Symbols: Optional; must have page number.
1a. SJSU APA Thesis/Dissertation Template
This main template is an MS Word file. It contains styles that will assist you with formatting according to the University guidelines. It contains all the required preliminary page formatting necessary to prepare your thesis. Here are a few extra notes:
- When using the SJSU APA Thesis/Dissertation Template with Word 2013 or later, you should check the option to “maintain compatibility with previous versions of word,” or may need to save your file in the Word 97-2003 document file type. Failure to do so may create drop margin errors in your document, although this does not occur for all students.
- If your document has any landscape pages, then you’ll need to use this SJSU Thesis/Dissertation Template for Landscape Pages. The included instructions will tell you how to correctly copy and paste into the main template.
- The SJSU APA Thesis template is set up to create a Table of Contents (TOC) after you've applied the correct styles to your headings in text. Instructions are included in the template.
1b. SJSU Non-APA Numbered Thesis Template
This main template is an MS Word file. It contains styles that will assist you with formatting according to the University guidelines based on number format. This format is designed for theses not using APA reference style. It contains all the required preliminary page formatting necessary to prepare your thesis. Here are a few extra notes:
- When using the SJSU Non-APA Numbered Thesis Template with Word 2013 or later, you should check the option to “maintain compatibility with previous versions of word,” or may need to save your file in the Word 97-2003 document file type. Failure to do so may create drop margin errors in your document, although this does not occur for all students.
- If your document has any landscape pages, then you’ll need to use this SJSU Thesis Template for Landscape Pages. The included instructions will tell you how to correctly copy and paste into the main template.
1c. SJSU Engineering/IEEE LaTeX Thesis Template (for the entire thesis)
Some graduate programs have been approved to use LaTeX rather than MS Word to write the thesis. For those programs, this LaTeX template complies with the SJSU formatting requirements. The template can be found on the SJSU Thesis/Dissertation Guide's Resources web page, if you follow this link. If you need guidance beyond the documents on that web page, a good third-party resource on using LaTeX is the LaTeX Wikibook.
1d. Hybrid MS Word - LaTeX Thesis
Some graduate programs require their students to write their thesis using the MS Word SJSU APA Thesis Template, but format the in-text citations and references pages according to the LaTex requirements. If your program has this “hybrid” requirement, then after writing your thesis in the MS Word template, download the “Thesis_Template.pdf” from this web site. Manually edit each citation and each reference so that they all meet the LaTeX requirements.
Fees for the first two submissions to Montezuma Publishing (the initial submission and the first re-review) will be paid by the College of Graduate Studies. Thereafter, and if Montezuma requires further corrections, the fee structure is as follows: $30.00 for the third submission, the 4th submission is free, $30.00 for the fifth submission, and the 6th submission is free. Students who have their document rejected six times will be required to hire a professional formatter, or use Montezuma's formatting services, before they can submit their work for further review.
Publication Fees
A $75.00 Processing fee is required for publication, which includes ProQuest submission, an electronic file, metadata file, and abstract for SJSU Library. This fee must be paid no later than 3:00 p.m. on the date of publication.
Optional Editing Services and Fees
Editing is intended to be completed prior to your defense date. Any edits done after your defense should be limited to those requested by your committee. Comments from your committee must be included in your document for verification of approved changes.
Submit your MS Word document electronically via email to, along with a completed Thesis/Dissertation Information form with style guide selection.
Editing Pricing
$3.00 per page (250 words = 1 page)
50% deposit is required at the time of initial order
Editing/Formatting Pricing
*$3.00 per page for editing +
**$3.00 per page for formatting
*Editing page count only includes the body of your thesis/dissertation. This does not include preliminary pages, references, figures, or tables.
**Price includes a PDF file of your formatted thesis/dissertation.
Montezuma Publishing Editing Standards
Montezuma Publishing offers editing services to SJSU theses and dissertations only.
Your editor will check for the following:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Clarity
- Effective use of language
- Dissertations will be edited to follow APA format
The time it takes to complete the editing of your file will be determined on a case by case basis. Variables such as document length, the amount of edits required, response rate, and your date of submission will affect this timeline. If the editing process takes longer than 3 weeks (21 days) OR if your defense is after the Submission Deadline, it may impact your ability to graduate during the current semester.
Additional Formatting Services and Fees
Montezuma Publishing, will format your thesis or dissertation to precise standards that will meet publication requirements.
How to Begin
If you wish to use Montezuma's formatting services prior to your defense, submit your thesis (Word or PDF Format) and the Thesis Information Form to The subject line should read "Format Services."
If you wish to use Montezuma's formatting services after your defense, you should submit all of the required documents (Thesis Information Form, committee approval, SJSU License agreement, and any additional documents) on or before the submittal deadline to Indicating on that email that you would like to engage Montezuma Publishing to format your document. Once we receive the request, Montezuma Publishing will contact you directly.
Optional Formatting Services and Fees
Format Pricing
$3.00 per page
50% deposit is required at the time of initial order
$50.00 non-refundable fee will be subtracted from deposit if formatting is cancelled
*Price includes a PDF file of your formatted thesis.
Montezuma Publishing Formatting Standards
When you hire us to format your thesis or dissertation, we will ensure your document meets the our 14 Rules of Formatting.
In addition to meeting the Formatting Guidelines, we will exceed these standards at no additional charge, providing you with a consistent and professional document.
Montezuma Publishing will use your Thesis, Creative Project, and Dissertation Information Form to determine your selected reference styles, headings, text format, and preliminary page structure:
Please note that while Montezuma Publishing does work with your document beyond the formatting requirements, we do not edit for content or grammar. Furthermore, once the formatting process has begun, we will not make any grammatical or content changes to your document or accept a new document from you with grammatical or content changes.
We format theses in the order received, however, the length of time it takes to format your thesis will depend primarily on the size and complexity of the thesis. If we take in your thesis for formatting for the current semester, it will be completed in time to meet the final deadline given that you respond to all correspondences in a timely manner.
Please let us know upfront if there are any special considerations, for example: oversized pages, maps, landscape pages needed, etc.
If questions arise during the formatting of your thesis, the formatter assigned to your thesis will send you an email. It is important that you respond as quickly as possible to maintain priority status.
Completed Formatting
Once we are done formatting your thesis, it will be placed in line for review. Once approved, we will contact you to arrange for payment of the formatting balance and publishing costs.
Contact Montezuma Publishing at (619) 594-7551 to arrange payment over the phone. All fees must be paid prior to publication.
To qualify for graduation in the semester in which you submit your thesis or dissertation, Montezuma Publishing will review your work within 4 weeks after it has confirmed its receipt from SJSU. You may submit your thesis or dissertation to the College of Graduate Studies after it has been defended and signed off by your committee. Early submission is encouraged to allow more time for your format review.
Meeting the submission deadline guarantees that Montezuma Publishing will review your thesis and return it to you for corrections, if necessary, at least one week prior to the publication deadline. Theses and dissertations that are resubmitted for review will be given priority status but will still require a full review.
Your thesis or dissertation must be reviewed and approved for publication by Montezuma Publishing by the 3:00 p.m. deadline, with all fees paid, including any additional format review fees, a $75.00 fee for ProQuest submission (mandatory), and any printing or binding services you choose.
Summer 2024
Submission to the College of Graduate Studies: July 15, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.
Montezuma Publishing Publication Deadline: September 23, 2024 by 3:00 p.m.
Fall 2024
Submission to the College of Graduate Studies: November 11, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.
Montezuma Publishing Publication Deadline: January 31, 2025 by 3:00 p.m.
Spring 2025
Submission to the College of Graduate Studies: April 21, 2025, by 11:59 p.m.
Montezuma Publishing Publication Deadline: July 1, 2025, by 3:00 p.m.
Submission Deadline
The College of Graduate Studies must submit your thesis/dissertation to Montezuma Publishing (MP) by this deadline in order to guarantee that MP will review it and return it to you for corrections (if necessary) at least one week prior to the Publication deadline. Theses that are resubmitted for review will be given priority status but still require a full review. Meeting this deadline for thesis review allows you to have the best possibility for graduation during the current semester.
Publication Deadline
Your thesis must be reviewed* and approved, by the 3:00pm deadline, with all fees paid for publishing the library requirements and any required department copies in order to graduate during the current semester. Students missing this final deadline will be required to reapply for graduation for the term in which they expect to graduate.
* Be advised the initial review can take up to 3-4 weeks.
*Policies are established by SJSU College of Graduate Studies, please click on the link below:
SJSU Policies
We provide printing and binding services as set out below.
Department Requirements/Personal Copies
Some departments require a hard bound copy for their own department libraries. Check with your department for specific requirements. There is a $75.00 processing fee for this service, in addition to the binding and paper fees.
You can choose your binding, cover color (cherry, burgundy, brown, blue, or black), and paper type for your thesis.
*Due to variances among color monitors, the colors on your computer monitor may appear differently than the actual products.
Hard Bound $45.00
Soft (vinyl) Bound $15.00
Burgundy (Not available in Soft [coil] bounds)
Brown (Not available in Soft [coil] bounds)
Green (Not available in Hard bound copies)
Paper Options
Cotton bond: $0.12 per page Regular paper: $0.08 per page Color copies: $1.00 per page
MP can bind original copies. Binding charges apply.
For additional items such as maps, oversized materials and CDs, please contact Montezuma Publishing for pricing.
Hardbound Copies take 6-8 weeks
Softbound Copies take 2-4 weeks
Students submitting their thesis closer to deadlines may experience a longer waiting period. We will email you when your copies are ready. Graduation is dependent only on the final publishing payment, students do not have to wait for copies to arrive in order to be cleared for graduation.
Department and personal copies will be mailed to the designated department and to you. The shipping fee is contingent on the length of your document. Montezuma Publishing will email you with the tracking information once the copies are shipped.
Thesis orders are accepted between the hours of 9:00am - 3:45pm Monday through Friday.
*Prices are subject to change without notice.
Michael Cook
SJSU Graduate Publishing Lead
Jimmy Palis
SDSU Graduate Publishing Lead
Karalyne Porter
Assistant Manager
Phone: (619) 594-7551
Montezuma Publishing
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-1701
In person: San Diego State University, Education Building Room 107
Thesis orders are accepted 9:00am - 3:45pm, Monday through Friday.

Other Websites
SJSU Thesis/Dissertation Guide
LaTeX website
LaTeX Wikibook
SJSU APA Thesis Template
SJSU Thesis Template for Landscape Pages
SJSU Engineering/IEEE Thesis Github Template
Chicago Author-Number system
Thesis orders are accepted Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 3:45pm.
Note: When using the SJSU APA Thesis Template with Word 2013 or later, you must save your file in the Word 97-2003 Document file type. Failure to do so will create errors in your document.
Documents in Word format (DOC) require Microsoft Viewer. Download Word.