Do the right thing... make your course materials copyright compliant!
As a member of the academic community, you understand the value of your colleagues' and fellow scholars’ intellectual property. By complying with copyright laws, you set a powerful example to your students that you uphold the integrity of your university or college.
Full copyright compliance is just as important to us as it is to you. By working with Montezuma Publishing, you can be certain that your course reader will be produced and sold legally, and all contributors will receive acknowledgment and proper compensation.
What is Needed for Copyright Clearance?
The more complete the bibliographic information provided, the faster we can complete the clearance process. Please provide as much of the following information as possible:
- ISBN number (ISSN number for journals)
- Source Title (book, journal, anthology, webpage, etc. from which the selection is taken)
- Selection Title (specific chapter or article title)
- Author and/or Editor
- Publisher/Copyright Owner
- Copyright Year
- Page Numbers
Please do not assume that material found on the internet is free. We need the web address for each selection in order to verify what permission, if any, is needed.
Using pictures and images from a service like Google Images does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights or the content you access. You may not use content from any services unless you obtain permission from its owner or are otherwise permitted by law. You are not granted the right to use any branding or logos used on these services.
For anthologies, we must seek permission from the original source. Most anthologies provide this information in a bibliography or works cited in the back of the book, or on the first page of the selection/article.
You can provide us with the needed information in a variety of ways:
We prefer to scan all the original material ourselves. Save yourself time, paper, and money by supplying the original materials or give us enough information to locate them for you. The quality of the finished product will closely match the original by following this procedure.